To choose our Passtcert to is to choose success! Passtcert provide you Cisco 400-201 CCIE SP exam latest dumps, which enable you to pass the exam successfully. Simulation tests before the formal Cisco certification 400-201 examination are necessary, and also very effective. If you choose Passtcert, you can 100% pass the exam.
Share some CCIE 400-201 exam questions and answers below. Which BGP community is used to prevent the advertisement of the BGP prefix to other BGP peers? B.additive D.local-as E.none Answer: A
Which are the two advantages if an ISP chooses a platform that runs Cisco IOS-XR Software instead of Cisco IOS Software? (Choose two.) A.Cisco IOS XR Software functions as a message-passing operating system. B.The system's scheduler is priority-based. C.The context switching is based on Cisco Express Forwarding. D.VoIP traffic is hardware-processed for real-time response. E.Communication between client and server is realized by a dedicated mechanism. Answer: AB
In IEEE 802. lad deployments, which three represent valid port modes? (Choose three) A.NNIS-port B.NNI C.UNIS-port D.NNIC-port E.UNIC-port F.UNIT-port Answer: BCE
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